1. Field of application and contact data
These terms of service are applicable for your use of the www.nsi-sa.be website.
Before using this website in any way, you should read these terms of service, the confidentiality declaration and the cookie declaration.
By visiting this website, or through any use of it, you are explicitly accepting the terms of service, the confidentiality statement and the cookie statement. If, you do not accept the content after reading the terms of service, the confidentiality statement and/or the cookie statement, you are requested to leave this website.
The website is run by NSI IT Software & Services SA, a Belgian company, with headquarters at 4340 Awans, Rue de Bruxelles 174A, registered as business number 0450.905.686.
For further information or comments, please contact NSI IT Software & Services SA at the given address or by e-mail at marketing@nsi-sa.be.
2. Purpose and content of the website
The website provides information on the services offered by NSI IT Software & Services SA, and allows interaction with NSI IT Software & Services SA for concepts such as organising a meeting, requests for further information, signing up for an event, reacting to a blog entry, etc.
The information provided on the website is general, and the user holds no rights over this information. Unless indicated to the contrary, the information provided on the website does not in any way constitute an offer of services and/or products.
NSI IT Software & Services SA endeavours to make the available information comprehensive, correct, exact and up to date. Despite this effort, mistakes might appear in the information made available.
You accept to only use the website according to a method which is compatible with the applicable law, or the rules which specifically concern you, or other rules. Furthermore, you promise not to use ‘deep links’ or ‘robots’ on the site or any other technology which might use the website or its content for purposes other than those indicated in these terms of service. You cannot access website content that is not intended for you, such as ‘computer pirating’, ‘illicit password recovery’ or any other technique. Furthermore, you agree not to test any possible vulnerability of the website.
3. Responsibility
NSI IT Software & Services SA cannot be held responsible, in any case or circumstances, directly or indirectly, as a general or specific rule, for direct or indirect damage due to use of the website and particularly as a result of links or hyperlinks, including and without restriction of the provision of wrong information, any losses, work interruptions, damage to programs or other computer system data, to appliances, software or others for the user.
Despite all efforts, Internet services can never be entirely free from a potential security risk. This explains why, for example, NSI IT Software & Services SA is not responsible for any transgressions in terms of user data confidentiality when the NSI IT Software & Services SA website or servers have been attacked by a third party.
The website content can be adapted, modified or completed, at all times and without prior comment or notification. NSI IT Software & Services SA gives no guarantee that the website will work properly and in no case can it be held responsible for poor operation or temporary (un)availability, or for any direct or indirect damage resulting from access to or use of the website.
The website may contain hyperlinks to the sites or pages of third parties or partners or refer there directly. Installing links to these sites or pages in no way implies the implicit approval of their content. NSI IT Software & Services SA explicitly declares that it has no right of control over the content or other specific features of these websites and in no way can it be held responsible for the content or specific aspects or for any other form of damage due to its use. NSI IT Software & Services SA refers to the specific terms of service for the websites in question.
4. Accounts
Accounts other than those registered by the customers of NSI IT Software & Services SA and the accounts created automatically are not authorised.
NSI IT Software & Services SA cannot be held responsible for the consequences of illegal and illicit use of the customer portal via the website, when you use your username and password. The user is responsible for each use of their username and password. You promise not to give away your username or password to a third party. When you wish to give others access to the customer portal of www.nsi-sa.be, you can contact marketing@nsi-sa.be. Access and use of the customer portal by the user that you have named is in no way the responsibility of NSI IT Software & Services SA.
The website cannot be used for illegal or illicit purposes. You are responsible for all the actions which take place via your account.
NSI IT Software & Services SA will be able to report your account, without prior notice, if these terms of service are not respected, in the case of inappropriate or threatening written or verbal behaviour regarding employees of NSI IT Software & Services SA, or in the case of any abuse of websites, including abuse for the purposes of advertising.
5. Intellectual property
Any reproduction, public communication or reuse of the website or part of it, including but not limited to the texts on it, the graphics, codes, interface elements, information, diagrams, video files or sound files is forbidden, in any way, subject to prior explicit written authorisation from NSI IT Software & Services SA.
6. Modifications
NSI IT Software & Services SA always reserves the right to modify these terms of service. It is your responsibility to regularly check the terms of service in force and consider the latest version.
These terms of service were modified and reviewed on 29 April 2014.
7. Applicable Law and Competent Courts
The terms of service are subject to Belgian law and must be interpreted as such.
In the event of a dispute, only the Liège courts will be competent.